Dilit Italian School


Welcome to Comunico, the E-learning platform to enhance your speaking and writing skills in Italian.

If you're looking to improve your communication skills in Italian, Comunico is the perfect digital platform for you. Created by experienced teachers, the platform offers 5 levels, from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1), following the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Levels and Modules:

- 5 levels, from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1), for structured and gradual learning.
- 60 modules to learn to communicate in various situations.

Interactive Activities:

- Over 1500 interactive exercises in reading, listening, vocabulary, and grammar to improve all skills.
- Pronunciation videos for accuracy and fluency in speaking.
- Grammar videos and downloadable PDF documents for a better understanding of grammar.
- Culture videos with exercises to explore various cultural aspects of Italy.

Click here to watch the videos

Teaching Method:

- Clear and structured method for measurable progress.
- Gradual presentation of grammatical, lexical, and phonetic structures to respect your learning pace.
- Clear explanation of grammar to effectively complete exercises.
- Constant review of grammatical, lexical, and phonetic structures to reinforce learning.
- Practice of learned language structures to develop oral and written production skills.
- Constant feedback on oral and written productions for accurate speaking and writing.

With Comunico, your learning becomes an interactive, stimulating, and engaging experience. You can use the platform on both your computer and mobile phone to study Italian anytime.

Launch Price: 90 euros (NO REGISTRATION FEE)

Course information:

Minimum age: 14

Group size: -

Levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

N°. of weeks: Access for 52 weeks

Lessons per week: 0

Course Timetable:

Digital platform, always available

Course fees

Course fee includes:

5 levels divided into 12 modules on various topics. Each module follows a precise structure:

- READING: Authentic and engaging texts to help you better understand written Italian.

- LISTENING: Interesting and varied dialogues and monologues to improve your comprehension of spoken language.

- VOCABULARY AND COMMUNICATION: Numerous lexical activities to understand how to use vocabulary in authentic contexts.

- GRAMMAR: Videos with clear explanations of grammar rules and interactive exercises for improvement.

- PHONETICS: Various types of exercises to show you the different characteristics of Italian phonetics at different levels.

- PRONUNCIATION: Pronunciation videos with repetitions to become more natural when speaking.

- CULTURE: Many culture videos to get a better understanding of Italy.

Enrolment fee:

€ 85. Payable once only, on enrolment; valid for all courses and programmes for 12 months. Enrolment fee includes all reception services (accommodation placement, certificates, etc.), use of school facilities, insurance for all activities organized by the school, seminars and social activities ( except dinners, concerts, operas, visits and excursions).

Course Fee:

€ 90

Test your level

This course requires a specific minimum language level. If you have doubts or if you want to know your level you can do a test online here.

Would you like to enrol?