Dilit Italian School

Italian for law

This course aims to stimulate active learning of some of the basic notions of the Italian judiciary system. The main fields dealt with are civil law, penal law and constitutional law.
The dynamic and active dimension of the course expresses itself in constant research-and-discovery activities on the part of the students, who are considered active central agents in the construction of what they learn, rather than passive listeners. Each activity proposed in class is a stimulating challenge towards the acquisition of ever more complex parts of legal language. The teacher has a dialogic role with the students, at their disposal for solving doubts, clarifying and giving confirmation of their hypotheses.

This course is quite compatible with some Italian Language Courses.

Course information:

Minimum age: 18

Group size: 1-5

Levels: B1+

N°. of weeks: 2

Lessons per week: 15

Course Timetable:

From Monday to Friday; 13.30-16.00 (with 15 minutes break).

Course fees

Course fee includes:

15 lessons/week and all materials.

Enrolment fee:

€ 85. Payable once only, on enrolment; valid for all courses and programmes for 12 months. Enrolment fee includes all reception services (accommodation placement, certificates, etc.), use of school facilities, insurance for all activities organized by the school, seminars and social activities ( except dinners, concerts, operas, visits and excursions).

Course Fee:

€ 970

Test your level

This course requires a specific minimum language level. If you have doubts or if you want to know your level you can do a test online here.

Would you like to enrol?