Dilit Italian School

Terms and Conditions


Enrolment shall be considered valid only upon receipt of written confirmation from the school.


In the case of bank transfer bank charges must be met by the student.
Any outstanding balance must be paid by bank transfer at least 15 days before the beginning of the course.

Cancellations made before beginning of course (not applicable to students needing a visa)

Cancellations must be communicated in writing. 
Deposits are not refundable. 

- 30 days before beginning of course: balance will be refunded;
- between 29 and 15 days before beginning of course: 80% of balance will be refunded;
- less than 15 days before beginning of course: entire sum will be forfeited.

Cancellations made after beginning of course (not applicable to students needing a visa)

The full tuition fee is forfeited. However, in the case of enrolments longer than three months the Director will evaluate the possibility of allowing credit for part of the tuition fee.

If the student decides not to attend classes or to shorten the course, he/she is not entitled to any refund. Deposits and fees are not transferable from person to person.

Course changes (not applicable to students needing a visa)

If a change of type or date of course is required, the student must notify the registration office at least 30 days before the beginning of the course. Any other changes are at the discretion of the Director. (However, on no account can a change be made from group classes to individual classes after the beginning of the course.)


Students coming from countries that require a visa to study in Italy need to contact the Italian Embassy in their home country beforehand to complete the formalities. A certificate of enrolment is one of the requirements for obtaining a visa.
In order to receive a certificate of enrolment the student must pay the full tuition fee(s).

Cancellation due to rejection of visa application.

A. If we receive such a cancellation within 7 days before the beginning of the course, the student forfeits €350 plus any expenses paid on his/her behalf (such as TNT, health insurance, etc.). The balance is paid back when all relevant documents, including the official Embassy note giving the reasons for rejecting the visa, are handed in to the School. It is, however, possible to start the course at a later date.

B. If such a cancellation is made less than 7 days before the beginning of the course, the entire sum is forfeited.

C. No refund once the Visa has been granted.


The school keeps its teaching methods up to date thanks to the constant research it carries out. This means that from time to time lessons are filmed or audio-recorded. This filming and/or recording is carried out under the supervision and responsibility of the Head of the Research Department, who is also responsible for the storing and/or use of any consequent video-tapes, dvds, audio-cassettes etc. This material is used for no other purpose than for methodological research. In any case each student can exercise their right to be excluded from any such filming or recording simply by signing a note in Reception.


If required, internal and external (CILS or CELI) examinations must be paid for. (Not applicable to Academic Year students, whose examinations are included in th course fee).

Public holidays

No lessons will take place on public holidays (see Fees & Dates). No refund will be made for these days.

Course cancellation

The school reserves the right to cancel a course if the minimum number of students is not reached.


The school is not liable for the loss of personal objects on the premises or on accommodation premises and for any expenses incurred because of a prolonged stay due to health reasons or other.


Students are advised to take out medical and personal insurance before leaving their home country. Moreover, students are also advised to insure themselves against loss of fees through non-arrival, absence for any reasons, or unforeseen termination of their courses.

Recommended insurance services offered by: guard.me international insurance (www.guard.me).

The school reserves the right to adjust fees in the event of particular international monetary situations.

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