Dilit Italian School

Italian through Italian Cooking

The course caters for all those students who intend attending a training course for chefs or a course of specialization in Italian Cuisine, and who need adequate language preparation. The course is also recommended for those students who – whatever their job or occupation may be – want to get to know better this fascinating aspect of Italian culture.

The Theoretical Component. The aim of the course is to improve general knowledge of the language, with particular attention to listening and oral production skills and the acquisition of the vocabulary essential in the field of gastronomy and Italian cuisine. Understanding written Italian is also developed in order to help students understand texts dealing with this subject.

The Practical Component. Two sessions a week are practical lessons under the guidance of an expert chef at an important Cookery School. During these lessons the participants themselves prepare some typical Italian dishes.

A part of the course is dedicated to getting to know Italian wines and matching them to different dishes. Trips outside the school are also organized to visit food markets, wine shops, etc.

This course is quite compatible with some Italian Language Courses.

Course information:

Minimum age: 16

Group size: 1-5

Levels: A1+

N°. of weeks: 2

Lessons per week: 15

Course Timetable:

Three times a week; 13.30-16.00 (with 15 minutes break) (Theoretical Component) + twice per week (Practical Component)

Course fees

Course fee includes:

15 lessons/week and all materials

Enrolment fee:

€ 85. Payable once only, on enrolment; valid for all courses and programmes for 12 months. Enrolment fee includes all reception services (accommodation placement, certificates, etc.), use of school facilities, insurance for all activities organized by the school, seminars and social activities ( except dinners, concerts, operas, visits and excursions).

Course Fee:

€ 1,050

Test your level

This course requires a specific minimum language level. If you have doubts or if you want to know your level you can do a test online here.

Would you like to enrol?